September 02, 2023


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Jackfruit "chicken" Salad


2 cans of jackfruit, rinsed and drained. Break up large chunks with your hands, or give it a quick chop. 
Sautée in a little olive oil to remove the water from the brine. Add a dash of sea salt! This step isn't necessary, but helps with the flavor! 

Vegan Mayo//
1 cup cashews
1 cup water
 1 clove garlic
1 tbsp nutritional yeast
1 tbsp white miso
2 tablespoons Dijon Mustard 
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
1 tsp sea salt
Blend all ingredients until smooth. 
1 cup chopped celery 
1 handful parsley, chopped
5-6 chives, chopped 
1/4 cup capers 
Toss jackfruit with 1 cup vegan mayo, celery, parsley and chives. 
Chill in fridge for an hour or eat immediately.
Serve on sandwiches, salads, crackers or lettuce.
Serves 4
recipe by Meredith Baird

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